New Thinking

Just because an idea is an old one, does not make it a bad one.  And it does not necessarily make it a good one.  The wheel is still a pretty great idea, but maybe one made of stone isn’t so awesome.  It took new thinking to say “hey, lets try something else.”  And it worked.  Some day, someone is going to try making Wheels from compressed air molecules.  And that might not work so great (or maybe it will?).  But someone else might think of a new way to make a wheel, and it works.  If it works better than the old, should we stick with the old rubber models just because that’s the way it’s always been done?

New thinking is progress.  And just like sharks, if we don’t progress we die.

We need new thinking in education, just like everywhere else.  We need new thinking in parenting.  If something works better, we should do it.  Just because we’ve always learned our multiplication facts the same way, doesn’t mean we always should (even if all the parents say “This isn’t how WE did it.” or “I don’t understand this NEW way of doing it.”)

If something is working in your class or with your kids or anything in your life – KEEP DOING IT.  But if something else would work better…lets keep progressing.

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About misteredie1

I am a husband, father, teacher and principal who loves to help students learn and reach their highest potential. I believe teaching is the ground floor to a better world - the children ARE the future!

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